Modern Workplace | 4 Core Aspects You Need to Focus On

6 min readSep 12, 2022


Big transformations that influence the way we live are currently happening all around us. The development of technology, sustainability, diversity, and inclusion are among the most important ones. They impact us in our personal lives and also in our professional environment. Therefore, employees’ expectations are shifting, and we need to be aware of these changes in order to succeed in today’s market.

What does a modern workplace look like? What are the core aspects of this evolution? Hybrid work is, of course, a new work model that is here to stay, but it’s not the only change in the way we work. The workforce has never been as multigenerational, for example. From office space planning to organizational culture and digitalization, this article combines all the post-pandemic workplace trends you need to know about.

Modern workplaces embrace technology

The use of technology can’t be avoided nowadays as it enables you to improve employee experience, increase productivity and save costs. The rise of new tech and more digitalization is a core characteristic of workplace transformation. From ultra-efficient security systems to seamless communication tools and virtual reality (VR) devices, technology helps your workers perform better and more effectively.

Flexible work has as many advantages for your team members as it does for your business but it requires a strong communication strategy. Digital solutions including project management software, communication platforms, and desk booking apps support you in doing so. These tools are common for businesses adapting to a more modern work environment.

Training technology is also reshaping the way we learn and develop new skills. Online training and VR training devices have become a norm for many businesses to train, reskill and upskill their staff. For new generations of employees continuous learning is essential and now it’s mainly digital.

Last but not least, facility management technology is continuously improving our office spaces. Smart buildings use automation, such as light or AC sensors, to save cost and energy. Desk booking software provides relevant office analytics about workspace occupancy to help determine the necessary resources for a business.

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open plan office space with standing desks
Moden workplace with technology

Post-pandemic workplaces make sustainability a priority

The importance of sustainability in the workplace is a central topic for modern businesses. Not only because it’s what society and the planet need but also because it’s what young generations of workers want. Millennials and Zoomers have strong values that they see in their work environment, such as sustainability which includes ecological, social, and economic aspects. The ultimate goal is to preserve biodiversity and the planet’s resources for future generations.

A Deloitte survey about Gen Z says that 77% of respondents prioritize social activism and working at organizations whose values align with theirs. This includes climate change, sustainability, ethics, and hunger.

However, employees are not the only ones looking at company practices. Partners and consumers also pay more attention to which initiatives organizations are taking on to create a more eco-friendly and ethical world.

Are you wondering where to start when it comes to these topics? You can read one of our latest articles about it, we give you 21 sustainability in the workplace ideas for modern workplaces.

Sustainable office building with plant wall
Sustainable office design

Modern workplaces are based on an employee-centric vision

If you look at the characteristics of a modern workplace mentioned above, you will realize that focusing on people’s needs is a common denominator. While burnout is increasing and many businesses are facing the Great Resignation, adopting an employee-centric approach is key, but what does it mean?

Have you heard the saying ‘happy employees, happy customers?’ This statement is true for a reason and most successful global organizations have taken this to heart. Your workforce is your best asset to grow and succeed. However, having unhappy and frustrated workers can also result in high turnover, a bad reputation, and people turning their back on the company.

👉 Do you want to easily find your colleagues in the office? Check out our interactive floor plan feature!

Also, keep in mind that today’s workforce is multigenerational, there have never been this many generations in the workplace at the same time. Collaborating with a team of Baby Boomers, Millenials and Zoomers is a powerful advantage. Yet, HR departments have to pay attention to the different expectations of each of these groups and leaders must consider them in their team management strategy. The most important aspect is to develop and encourage a working model based on flexibility.

To grow and thrive, modern companies have several points to keep in mind. New Work requires organizations to build a business strategy that boosts:

  • work-life balance;
  • job satisfaction;
  • happiness in the workplace;
  • positive organizational culture;
  • hybrid work;
  • flexitime;
  • DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion)
Two coworkers collaborating on laptop
Co-workers collaborating

Modern office spaces are flexible

We’ve talked a lot about what is expected from companies in terms of values and actions, but what about office design? As we said, the modern workplace is all about flexibility, and how you decide to build or rearrange your space should be the same. Some people are only able to focus when sitting at a single desk in a quiet area. But, this is not the case for everyone. Others might work more effectively in an open space surrounded by their colleagues. Consequently, your workspace should be hybrid and equipped with the right tools.

To build a modern and hybrid workspace, you must understand your employees’ expectations. To do so, we recommend you conduct surveys and check your office analytics. This will give you a clear idea about what your workforce needs and help you make data-driven decisions to improve the overall employee experience. From having the right number of hot desks to planning the ideal amount of meeting rooms or including ABW (activity-based working) areas, the modern office space is reshuffling our vision of the workplace.

Is the atmosphere in your workspace enhancing productivity? This is also a crucial aspect of the modern workspace. Our working environment plays a lot into how we feel and therefore, how efficient we are. This is one of the reasons why the ‘working from anywhere’ concept has become so popular. Being able to decide where to work allows employees to choose the best place for them to focus and get things done. When coming on-site, it’s important that they can also enjoy a workspace that fulfills their needs and enhances wellbeing.

👉 Check our article about how to create a Feng Shui office to collect some ideas!

Open concept office space with co-workers chatting
Co-workers chatting in open-concept office space

The post-pandemic workplace is reshuffling the way we work to create an environment that fosters a positive employee experience and greater productivity. Technology, sustainability, employee-centricity, and flexibility are the four core pillars of a modern workplace.

Are these concepts part of your HR strategy? How are you handling this workplace revolution? Request a free demo of the deskbird app to manage your hybrid work model with a people-focused approach.




Written by deskbird

deskbird is the most intuitive workplace solution — one that your employees will love! Available as mobile, web, Slack, and MS Teams app.

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